It's hard to believe a month has passed since surgery. In another two weeks, Lulu will have her post operative followup appointment and will hopefully be given the thumbs up. That's if I can keep her from injuring herself again before then.
I'm overindulgent perhaps to Lu's detriment. Actually, Bill and I both are. We hate to see her unhappy and the kennel makes her really sad and she lets everyone know about it. I hate to admit it, but we haven't even attempted crating her since somewhere around week two.
I arrived home today, sweaty from the gym and in need of a shower. While I was prudent enough to set Lu on her crate pad on the floor just outside the open bathroom door, I didn't take proper precautions. Sticking my head out from the shower curtain periodically, I was taken aback when on the third or forth peep she was not where I left her. I quickly found her sitting next to the tub, looking at me longingly. She has this way of looking thoroughly pathetic as only a Frenchie can. A picture of her in her finest Oscar moment has been included with this post. That look is what keeps Bill and I from properly limiting her freedom. We know it's wrong, but seriously, look at that face. Could you disappoint this little girl?
We need to practice tough love. Our leniency this weekend result in countless wandering on Lu's part and two leaps from the sofa. I still feel awful about this and hope there is no lasting damage. It's easy to lecture Bill and say HE needs to be more careful with her, but it's both of us. We're going to be terrible parents.
1 comment:
So hard to resist that face... Aww!
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