Lulu's Story:

Lulu's Story: after all, she came first

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 42

official logo of the American Cancer Society R...Image via Wikipedia

Today Bill and I walk for Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) so Lulu and Gus are getting ready to go to Grandmas. Bill tells me she's somewhat nervous about caring for Lu but it really is pretty easy now.

Being that we are both walking for several hours tonight, we're taking it easy today. We were relaxing out in the sun with the kids and captured this cute video.
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Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 41

Bolder and bolder she gets. Twice today I caught her in mid-leap off the sofa. First when she heard the Asian Bowl delivery person at the door and second when I opened the drawer of the coffee table where we keep her beloved rawhide bones. She appears bent on destruction.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 40

We’re starting to plan for life after recovery with Lu. Her post surgical follow up is next week and she’s likely to be released from the surgeons care. We want to safeguard her from another episode. Alternative medicine could help; I’d especially like to explore chiropractic care as it helped me with my own spinal issue.

I mentioned Lu’s case to Dr. Dan at Combined Care in Libertyville. While he prefaced the discussion with the fact that he doesn’t treat dogs, he did tell me that his career did include the chiropractic adjustment of a miniature poodle that jumped out of a moving vehicle and another small dog that presented with disc issues. Both dogs fully recovered after the therapy to live long happy lives. I asked Dr. Dan if he would check Lu for any potential disc; he politely declined. But, he said he could refer me to a colleague of his whom at one time treated people but was now working with a vet is Des Plains treating dogs. The funny thing is that the Des Plains doctor is the brother of the vet that owns the Fox Lake clinic where Lu is normally treated. Small world.

After hearing so many stories about dogs that have recovered from disc issues without surgery using only conservative care, it’s been in the back of my mind that maybe we didn’t have to put Lu through all this and that maybe we could have saved a boatload of money. I’m happy to say Dr. Dan put my mind at ease. He said no adjustment could have led to recovery if the disc ruptures leaving debris in the spinal column, which is exactly what happened in Lu’s case. While there’s no going back, I feel better knowing we did the right thing. Now we can move forward with a plan to protect her from future injury...if only she was always sleepy and sedate like in this picture from this morning taken with brother, Gus.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 38-39

I had a terrible dream about Lulu two nights ago. I came home to find her in her bed in the laundry room bleeding copiously from her nose, mouth and eyes. I panicked and insisted to Bill that we take her to a vet right away. It was very early in the morning, maybe 3 or 4 a.m. Bill was in no rush and I couldn’t understand why. We made our way to the car and Bill began driving aimlessly around. I suggested the Grayslake Emergency Treatment Center, but Bill said it was too expensive. We ended up there anyway and while sitting in their waiting room, we called other vet clinics. The whole time Lu is just bleeding and bleeding. We can’t tell from where the blood is coming; I’m covered in it too. I can’t believe she has this much blood to bleed. I’m afraid she might die. We reach Fox Lake Animal Hospital and I’m surprised they’re open. After some confusion with the receptionist we decide to take Lulu there instead. I look down and the plastic bag we have under Lu is pooling with blood. I look up and all of a sudden, my mom’s with us, out of thin air, you know how chance dreams can be. Anyway, my mom somehow slows the bleeding and determines that the blood is coming mostly from her nose which we can now see is half missing. It’s been bitten off and that’s not her only injury. She was alone with Gus when we found her. I’m disgusted and alarmed that Gus has done this to her. I can’t believe it. Then I wake up.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 36-37

Yesterday we brought Lulu back to the lake for water therapy. I can't say she enjoyed it any more than the first time around, but she did seem more capable and we did get lots of attention. Adult and children alike wanted to know what's going on with the funny looking dogs in the water. Regardless of her lack of enthusiasm, she did well. She was able to swim for 2-3 minute stretches and preformed 4 or 5 reps. Gus underwent water therapy as well; not because he needs it but because he insists on being treated equally. We happily complied.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 35

Several days after surgery, I half-jokingly suggested we shave Lu and cleanup the not so wonderful haircut given to her at Buffalo Grove Specialty Center. At the time, Bill wasn't sold on the idea. Well, he was inspired today. Lu was patient but unimpressed. I have to admit, it does look better.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 34

Thank goodness it’s Friday! Yesterday was a long day without much time for the kids and today will be the same. My sister, Heather, and I are going out to have a couple drinks in town before she returns home to Virginia on Monday. By time I arrive home this evening, quality time with the kids will be out of the question, unless you consider letting them sleep with me a good way to bond.

Last week we decided it was time for Lulu (and Gus) to go back to sleeping in their shared bed in the laundry room. They have a comfortable dog bed there that they actually like quite a bit. Of course, they would rather sleep with mom and dad but this never results in very good night’s sleep as Lulu likes to sleep under the covers between us and nearly hyperventilates several time each night. Gus also settles in between and oftentimes lies sideways, stretched out as much as his compact 33 pound frame can manage. Oh, and did I mention Gus snores? He’s amazing in that he snores while awake but truly gets into it in sleep. It’s like a grunting, gurgling sonnet between Gus and Bill while Lulu and I suffer together, our heads buried under the blankets.

Regardless of their preferences, these dogs can sleep. It’s an art form, really. Anytime, anywhere, any strange position imaginable, they’re game. So I guess I will invite them to join me tonight afterall, I do feel guilty.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 33

I found this picture today, saved to my documents at work. Bill sent this to me in the spring. It speaks of JOY.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 32

Everyday I get home from work and quickly find Lu, even though Gus is already at my feet. I pat his head and say a brisk hello but it's Lulu I'm after. This may seem like favoritism but it's actually an attempt to keep Lu safe because she's just as excited as Gus to see me so she squirms and whines wanting the chance to come to ME. Once I get to HER, Gus is there too, pushing her out of the way, trying to be the center of attention, that boy.

Any of you feeling sorry for Gus, let me tell you, he usually succeeds at being the most admired. From the very moment of our acquaintance, he showed himself to be the charismatic one. His breeder, Cari, laughed about it, saying he always had to be right in front of the camera as she was trying to photograph the litter. Our first visit to see him, he was just four or five weeks old. We were happy to hold him and look at him, such a cute little guy. When we were ready to leave, we put him on the floor near Cari who was at that time covered with little budding bulldogs. No matter, Gus climbed over his litter mates into the center of Cari's lap, causing the rest of the pups to tumble off her lap, Jenga-like.

When we go out into public with the "kids," everyone exclaims how cute Gus is. They grab his flat face and chuckle, his face is so touchable. My nieces love him. They named one of their stuffed animals after him, calling it Gus-Gus like Lulu. My mother-n-law is also in love. Gus is her boy. He's handsome and as the front desk ladies at Fox Lake Animal hospital say, he's a stud, a ladies man. He's known at Banfield in Vernon Hills too. And the good people at Buffalo Grove Veterinarian Specialty Centers took special notice of him too. He's a ham. He's looker. He's Gusserman, Gusserbutt, Guss-er-licious, as my friend Stacie likes to say. Anyway, he's my boy and he's spoiled.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 31: In our attempts to keep Lulu safe, she's tangled herself in her leash.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 30

It's hard to believe a month has passed since surgery. In another two weeks, Lulu will have her post operative followup appointment and will hopefully be given the thumbs up. That's if I can keep her from injuring herself again before then.

I'm overindulgent perhaps to Lu's detriment. Actually, Bill and I both are. We hate to see her unhappy and the kennel makes her really sad and she lets everyone know about it. I hate to admit it, but we haven't even attempted crating her since somewhere around week two.

I arrived home today, sweaty from the gym and in need of a shower. While I was prudent enough to set Lu on her crate pad on the floor just outside the open bathroom door, I didn't take proper precautions. Sticking my head out from the shower curtain periodically, I was taken aback when on the third or forth peep she was not where I left her. I quickly found her sitting next to the tub, looking at me longingly. She has this way of looking thoroughly pathetic as only a Frenchie can. A picture of her in her finest Oscar moment has been included with this post. That look is what keeps Bill and I from properly limiting her freedom. We know it's wrong, but seriously, look at that face. Could you disappoint this little girl?

We need to practice tough love. Our leniency this weekend result in countless wandering on Lu's part and two leaps from the sofa. I still feel awful about this and hope there is no lasting damage. It's easy to lecture Bill and say HE needs to be more careful with her, but it's both of us. We're going to be terrible parents.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 29

It was a busy weekend, celebrating with the family. We did manage to find time to get Lu in the lake for therapy. She was not fond of the life vest and was distressed at times in the water. She was more cooperative after we took the vest off. We plan to try again later this week.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 27 & 28

She's ready for water...more to come.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 26

In my dream, I’m walking briskly through a field. There are young people, men and women, ambling by on either side of me. I overtake them.

It’s summer and warm, a beautiful day, but I am anything but idle. I feel pursued and anxious to get far away. I can’t walk fast enough. Something is slowing me down, pulling my arm. I look back. There’s a leash in my hand and there is Lulu, looking up at me from the tall grass, smiling. She hobbles forward another couple steps and I remember…she’s hurt. She can’t make it all this way. I look forward in the distant to places I long to be and look back at her, still smiling at me.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 25

This one is BOLD. Lu went from tentative walking and avoiding the hardwood floors to wandering the house unaccompanied. It's only Day 25, this wasn't supposed to happen so soon! Which means one thing: the crate. Like it or not, little Lu is going to have to be kenneled when we can't watch her 100%, and this will be often in the coming days with my brother's wedding on Friday and the rehearsal tomorrow.

It's surprising how fast she's getting back to her old self. She was picking up after Gus this evening as Gus is a slow, messy eater due to his extreme brachycephalic features, or flat face. It's a matter of course that bits and pieces of Sweet Potato Duck Fromm dog food are nosed out of his bowl as a he attempts to secure kibble. Lulu is a much more rapid eater so she sneaks in and gobbles the food as Gus growls lowly to no effect. It was good to witness as long standing tradition.

Bill and I took interesting pictures with Lulu outside recently that I've added to this post. Frenchies are so photogenic I could blog in pictures alone.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 24

And the video you've all been waiting for: Monkey Drunken Sailor!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 20-23

My intention when I started to write was to do so daily no matter what but life has gotten in the way. I had a busy weekend away from Lulu and from home. All the girls went to Lake Geneva to celebrate my closest friend's last days as a single gal. We had a blast and I wish we could do it all over again.

Bill had Lulu and Gus to himself and had a fairly uneventful time of it. He was able to work in the garden some and on my car which sorely needed the attention. He was fixing little bits and pieces when Jen dropped me off on Sunday. Lulu and Gus were in the yard relaxingly in the shade but as soon as they saw me, they both were up and anxious to greet me. Maybe it was the short time away that has allowed me to see Lu's condition more clearly, but it struck me as very sad that her leg is so stiff which creates a very awkward gate. I don't wish to make light of her, but it reminds me of a pirate walking with a peg leg, the way she sort of swings it out to the side to account for not being able to bend it. Anyway, I had this vision of her never walking normally again and I was really sad for her. We have our work cut out for us doing therapy at home to ensure this isn't her future. After I finish writing, I'm heading to to purchase a life vest for water therapy. Gus is getting one too; I don't want the little sh*#@%! to be jealous.

I noticed today that Lu has changed her gate. She's hoping instead of doing the little pirate peg leg walk. I wonder if this is a new way of coping or if maybe she's injured herself? She was more active yesterday than I believe was good for her.

I leave you with a picture of Gus, passed out in the contents of my purse after the Bachelorette party. He's such a showoff and a ham.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 19

Bill was able to fill me in on Lu’s appointment at Buffalo Grove Veterinary Specialty Center yesterday. He said that the people at the clinic were happy with her progress but encouraged us to be more consistent with massage. They noticed her back left leg is very stiff and causing the unruly gate she displays when attempting to walk. He was told the stiffness is often due to not having adequate nerve function yet, which is normal after spinal surgery and should improve with time. She lost 1.2 lbs. since surgery, which is almost 5% of her body weight. She was on the high end of normal weight before all this, so the weight loss will only help her condition.

Bill asked about water therapy and was shown the facilities at the Specialty Center. Unfortunately, it’s very costly. Buffalo Grove charges $150 for the consultation alone. They said that TOPS in Grayslake is even more expensive as they charge between $300 and $400 for the consultation. Naturally, Bill asked what we could do at home and was told that she can go in the lake or the bathtub but to use a lifejacket with a handle to maintain a safe situation. Luckily, Lu loves the lake and acts like a total nut in the water. We’ll be lifejacket shopping this weekend.

Every day, Lu seems to be improving. She regularly urinates and defecates on her own. She now stands while she’s eating and can move to comfortable positions on the sofa or bed. She’s interested in play, chewing on her rawhide bones, her favorite pastime, and bossing Gus around. She even buried herself in warm laundry yesterday. Bill said it startled him. He put the laundry on the sofa next to her and walked away. When he came back, he couldn’t find her until he looked more closely. Sure enough, she found her much loved spot, cuddled in amongst the warmth. I have never known another dog to seek out warm dark places like our little Lu does. We know she’s getting back to being herself because she’s been burrowing under blankets on the bed again too.

Lulu’s vet from Fox Lake Animal Hospital called today for an update. I thought that was very considerate of her as Lu’s not in her direct care for the time being. It’s been amazing receiving all the well wishes and outpouring of love from family, friends, coworkers and even strangers. This little dog has touched us and it is inspiring to have the support from so many. Thank you.

P.S. Bill asked Lulu for one favor yesterday. He asked, “Lu, you’ve partially torn your ACL, had a large cyst removed from your neck and now this and you’re only four. Could you promise to get through the rest of the year without any more problems?” Then he added, “make it the rest of your life.” While I don’t think this is too much to ask, it’s apparent that the crazy is still lingering in this one…

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 18: Lulu got her stitches out a day late today...the good vets in Buffalo Grove gave her the nod. She's doing well...more on this tomorrow. On the way home, Lu got to attend Bill's fitting at Men's Warehouse for my brother, Harvey's wedding. She behaved. Gus is still Gus. He and Lu played for about 2 minutes this evening until little Lu got too rough. Yes, Lu was the rough one. She is getting back to herself and it's nice to witness.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 17

Day 17: Friends again...for now...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 16

Lulu is recovering her spirits rapidly now. Last night, she put Gus in his place after he decided it was play time and Lu disagreed. Her response is not surprising since she has always been the alpha in the house, but it was the first time she plainly asserted her dominance since this whole thing began. Bill and I took them for a walk again today. We made sure to secure Lu better in the stroller since she's much more mobile than she was when we had her out the other day. In regards to her mobility, I took a video of Lu walking on her own today but it's sideways and I can't figure out how to remedy this. So instead, I've attached an older video showing Bill assisting her walk. Hopefully tomorrow I can post a new one showing her progress. Bill is taking Lu to get her stitches out tomorrow. I've attached an image of these as well. The clinic used purple sutures, I wonder if this is normal or if they choose these special for our girl? Out of curiosity, I measured the incision. It's only 4 inches long; it seemed much longer to me on her petite frame. I'm off to have dinner alone. Bill's working at the bar. It's our 14 year anniversary today from the day we met and began dating. I wish he were here.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 14 and 15

Ladies and Gentleman, I present Lulu Belle, the most amazing little Frenchie to ever walk this earth! Yes WALK!

The stubborn streak that marks bulldog breeds worked to Lu's benefit yesterday. Bill and I decided to invited friends over for dinner since we couldn't go out as Lu needs us home for now. Bill had placed her in a shady patch of grass and joined our friends on the driveway to chat and play lawn games. I came out of the house and noticed Lu there alone, clearly agitated that she was away from the group. Just as I was on my way to get her, she makes her way to her feet and stumbles forward on all fours a half a dozen steps. We all stood there aghast. That stubborn little dog wasn't going to let a small thing like a blown disc stop her from being included. Frenchies characteristically need to be the center of attention and will find interesting and funny ways accomplish this, such as walking like a drunken sailor when there is an audience to witness the feat.

After the first clumsy attempt, Lu tried walking another three or four times yesterday. Each time, our guests were amazed, delighted and a bit sad for her because clearly she is still struggling and has a long way to go. In addition to walking, she also stood, squatted and urinated all on her own for the first time since surgery. She didn't make it to her designated potty place, but at least she did her business outside.

We are so excited that two weeks to the day of surgery day, Lu has walked on her own. When we were told it could be two weeks to 6 months, I thought two weeks would be too much to ask, but I forgot to calculate just how determined a stubborn Frenchie can and will be.

Today she sleeps. Nothing new to report. Maybe that was a little too much for one day.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 13.1: picture this, you're relaxing on the sofa, unwinding from a long week and looking forward to a long weekend, when your beloved Frenchie, Gus, steps in front of you and pisses directly on your ailing dog's bedding...precious. Now my mind is at ease that it was he that wetted the pad earlier this week.

Day 13

Lulu scared me last night. Bill was at work and I was asleep in the bedroom with "the kids," when I woke suddenly afraid for Lulu. She was next to me and very still, her eyes half opened. I looked at her chest and saw no rise and fall. I kept looking, waiting to see the telltale signs of life but detected nothing. I put my hand on her chest. I felt nothing but warmth. I thought to myself, "She's dead. She's dead and she's died recently." For a moment I couldn't believe it. Then I came to my senses and I shook her, hoping for a response but there was nothing. I tried again...nothing. On the third time, she took a shallow breath but didn't move. I was relieved but only somewhat. What if I fall asleep again and she stops breathing and dies? It took quite some time before I could trust myself to sleep, and even then I kept waking to check on her. I finally felt some relief when she changed positions about an hour after the episode. I wish I could say this was a dream, but it was very real and very scary. I notified the surgeon about the issue today hoping for some kind of reassurance but Dr. Wood could only say that this was unusual, that dogs do not experience sleep apnea, and should this reoccur we should take her to her regular vet for evaluation.

Fast forward 18 hours and you would never guess that this scary situation occurred earlier today in the wee hours. I decided to try Lu out in the baby stroller again. She was very uneasy about it the first time, but that's when she was battling with the dysphoria and was hypersensitive about her surroundings. So I placed her in the carriage. She was a little unsure of her footing since the bottom is soft, sort of hammock-like. She tolerated it, so I rolled it forward very slowly knowing that this only further excited her fear the time before. She was weary but curious, so I pushed her a little more and she relaxed just a little bit. The more further I pushed, the more curious she became, after all Frenchies are inquisitive little dogs. So I took her outside, down the front steps and out to the garage where Bill was working, Gus was unhappily left behind in the house. Bill agreed on a short stroll before work, he walking Gus and me pushing Lu. The smile on her face revealed her joy in being out in the fresh air, in the neighborhood, participating in life as only a French Bulldog can. Good girl, Lu, good girl.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 12: I'm tired so this post will be short and sweet. Lu is still on the mend but getting stronger and more bold by the day. Gus has resorted to antagonist antics, barking at the door as if someone is here to get Lu's goat and it works every time. Bill and I feel like we never see each other and need a date night. Bill has the notion that Lu's sleeping in her kennel Saturday night so we can sleep in the same bed comfortably. I have a feeling it won't be so simple and can hear her pending protest already.