Bill was able to fill me in on Lu’s appointment at Buffalo Grove Veterinary Specialty Center yesterday. He said that the people at the clinic were happy with her progress but encouraged us to be more consistent with massage. They noticed her back left leg is very stiff and causing the unruly gate she displays when attempting to walk. He was told the stiffness is often due to not having adequate nerve function yet, which is normal after spinal surgery and should improve with time. She lost 1.2 lbs. since surgery, which is almost 5% of her body weight. She was on the high end of normal weight before all this, so the weight loss will only help her condition.
Bill asked about water therapy and was shown the facilities at the Specialty Center. Unfortunately, it’s very costly. Buffalo Grove charges $150 for the consultation alone. They said that TOPS in Grayslake is even more expensive as they charge between $300 and $400 for the consultation. Naturally, Bill asked what we could do at home and was told that she can go in the lake or the bathtub but to use a lifejacket with a handle to maintain a safe situation. Luckily, Lu loves the lake and acts like a total nut in the water. We’ll be lifejacket shopping this weekend.
Every day, Lu seems to be improving. She regularly urinates and defecates on her own. She now stands while she’s eating and can move to comfortable positions on the sofa or bed. She’s interested in play, chewing on her rawhide bones, her favorite pastime, and bossing Gus around. She even buried herself in warm laundry yesterday. Bill said it startled him. He put the laundry on the sofa next to her and walked away. When he came back, he couldn’t find her until he looked more closely. Sure enough, she found her much loved spot, cuddled in amongst the warmth. I have never known another dog to seek out warm dark places like our little Lu does. We know she’s getting back to being herself because she’s been burrowing under blankets on the bed again too.
Lulu’s vet from Fox Lake Animal Hospital called today for an update. I thought that was very considerate of her as Lu’s not in her direct care for the time being. It’s been amazing receiving all the well wishes and outpouring of love from family, friends, coworkers and even strangers. This little dog has touched us and it is inspiring to have the support from so many. Thank you.
P.S. Bill asked Lulu for one favor yesterday. He asked, “Lu, you’ve partially torn your ACL, had a large cyst removed from your neck and now this and you’re only four. Could you promise to get through the rest of the year without any more problems?” Then he added, “make it the rest of your life.” While I don’t think this is too much to ask, it’s apparent that the crazy is still lingering in this one…