Lulu's Story:

Lulu's Story: after all, she came first

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

IVDD Episode 4

Lulu and I had a very busy day. She accompanied me in her crate to Grandma's house with the little one. Our boy, Gus, was at Bill's mom's house for a play date since he's getting very little attention right now. Anyway, Lulu and I went back up to Kenosha for another acupuncture session with Dr. Krausser. This appointment wasn't as successful as Monday's. Perhaps due to all the running around today, Lulu was agitated and refused to relax and settle into the therapy.

Dr. Krausser shared our disappointment that Lu still seems to have little to no feeling in her hind legs. The only sign we had of progress was that Lulu wet herself last night. While some may think that's a problem, it takes muscle control to empty the bladder; dogs with advance paralysis, like Lulu, are unable to urinate without assistance. So, a wet bed is a good sign.

Speaking of urine, Lu is very dehydrated. Knowing this, we're really pushing fluids, and she's responding well.

Lu will be back to see the good doctor on Friday for another treatment. We plan to try a couple different things in hopes to get her to relax and heal. More on that later.

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