Lulu's Story:

Lulu's Story: after all, she came first

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 77

Dearest Kait,

Since you were kind enough to comment and ask, Gus's eye is doing very well, in fact much better than expected. We caught it early enough that it healed much more rapidly than cornea ulcer typically do.

Lu on the other hand isn't so well today. Yesterday, she had a big day meeting our friends' dog and is very stiff and hoping around instead of walking. It's a small setback and I'm sure she'll be fine in a couple of days but we had to tell our friends we couldn't dog sit for them due to Lu's condition. Sorry Jen, Russ and Kai! To be fair, we can't really say for sure it was due to the roughhousing but we can't take the chance that she'll injure herself further. We hope next time Kai needs a sitter, Lu's in a better, more healthy state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw I'm so glad that he's doing better. I love this photo of the two of them. Cuddles to Lu, hope she doesn't have many more setbacks xx Kait (PS cute post)