Lulu's Story:

Lulu's Story: after all, she came first

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 80

Bill and I are big into food so it would stand to reason our French dogs would follow suit. This evening we're preparing gnocchi with extra virgin olive oil roasted chou-fleur de vert (French for green cauliflower) tossed with an exceptional quality prosciutto and fourteen-year-aged parmesan reggiano. Served with a little crust of French bread, we're in heaven.

Lulu and Gus do not get indulgences such as this. We keep it simple. They are allowed raw fruits and vegetable and herbs. Once in a while, they're spoiled with protein such as roasted chicken or pork maybe a little scrap of beef. But they appreciate fruit and vegetables more than any other dogs I've know. Here's a list of favorite foods.

Basil (Gus isn't so much a fan)
Green Onions
Leafy greens
Chocolate (they aren't allowed to eat it but it's funny that they know they like it)
POPCORN (absolute favorite)

I'm sure I'm missing something they love but this is a start. So if you want to bring them something they really like, I suggest cilantro. Gus recently went through a bout of a stomach aliment and the only thing he found interest in was cilantro...not beef and rice, not dog cookies, not parsley, but cilantro.

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