Lulu's Story:

Lulu's Story: after all, she came first

Sunday, November 18, 2012

IVDD Episode 64's been too long since I've blogged. I wish I could say there have been major changes, but things with Lu's health are pretty much the same. We're still seeing Dr. Krausser for therapy. Lulu makes progress, but it is such small steps that I feel more hopeless sharing these changes than just keeping them to myself. It's not that I've lost hope all together, it's just sort of depressing sharing the news of tiny changes like a twitching tail.

But, we do have good tidings to share...Lulu finally received her custom cart from Eddie's Wheels. The cart arrived this past Thursday, and Bill and I were so excited for Lu to try it. I waited until Bill returned home from work, so that we could both witness her first steps in the new wheels. We strapped Lu into the cart, and then looked at her expectantly. She looked back at us like, "What am I supposed to do now?" So we both started calling to her, but nothing happened. So we enticed her with cookies, but nothing. We even broke out a banana, which she loves, but she wouldn't budge.

Knowing one of Lu's greatest loves in life is going for walks, I thought, "Let's try this outside." So we bundled up the baby, put both dogs on leashes, and headed outside. Sure enough, Lulu was moving in no time. I think she was so excited to be out on a crisp fall evening, that she forgot about her disability and just became a dog again. It was an amazing experience to see.

That first time out was very short lived, as Lu tired very quickly. The next day, I tried it again, wearing Mia, the baby, on my chest, and handing an exuberant Gus and a curious Lulu all at the same time. I won't go into the complications of this, but I will say, Lulu was much more confident this time around.

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