Lulu's Story:

Lulu's Story: after all, she came first

Sunday, October 3, 2010


The Little Lulu ShowImage via Wikipedia
It's hard to keep track of the days now. It seems like so long ago that Lu was incapable of sitting, eating and urinating let alone walking on her own. She's certainly not 100% but she's improved greatly. It's hard for Bill and I to see the changes sometimes now that she's so much more like herself. Bill's mom was over Friday and she was surprised by how well Lulu was doing in comparison to where she was about a month ago.

We did witness a surprising improvement this is week. Lu has been able to jump up on the sofa on four or five separate occasions. The first time was a week ago today. Bill was moving towards her with the intention to pick her up to place her on the sofa. She was stubbornly trying to avoid him. See, she's grown weary of us picking her up. Much like a teenager, she's decided to defy us now that she's gained a measure of control. So every time one of us goes to her, she backs up or attempts to out maneuver us. So on this occasions she was doing just that when she found herself cornered and the only place to go was up. To all or our surprise, she made it! A day or two later, she did it again in order to get a better look at a person walking down her street. She was so excited to see Grandma, she showed off her new skill then too. While this is impressive, more often than not, she doesn't make it. Then she falls back on her bony backside with a horrible hollow thump. Poor thing. But she isn't deterred.
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