Since surgery, Lulu has had trouble keeping food down. She tends to vomit minutes after eating her dry dog food, which we wet with water to avoid blot. After an episode, we switch back to feeding her a mixture of rice and boiled ground beef. On this diet, Lu never vomits. I asked Dr. Wood what she thinks it could be but she wasn't sure. She did not think it related to surgery, rather a coincidence that it occurred since surgery. She suggested we either try feeding her the food dry or switching formulas. Since we received this advice, Lu had the opportunity to gobble up some of Gus's food that had dropped from his bowl. She only got a couple kibbles but it was enough to cause her stomach to be upset. So now we're certain that she can't tolerate this food. It's strange because she's been on the formula since she was weened. I looked into different types of food and found a Whitefish and Potato formula made by Fromm that has 11% fat rather than 15% fat as in the Sweet Potato Duck formula with which she's having trouble. A happy bonus of this blend is that it is naturally high in glucosamine, which is recommended as a supplement to keep Lu's spine healthy. In the meantime, we've been cooking for her. She's happy, Gus is jealous.

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