We talked to the clinic again. They believe the blood in the stool is due to an irritated GI tract as a result of steroid use. They advised we discontinue the steroid, put her back on a bland diet, give her one half 10mg of Pepcid AC every twelve hours and monitor her condition. Should she experience an increase in frequency/quantity of diarrhea, display increased pain/distressed between bowel movements or should there be a greater volume of blood, we need to bring her into emergency immediately. The vet at the clinic has warned us that because we gave her the steroid this morning, we will likely see blood in the stool for one to two more bowl movements. I feel terrible because Bill and I noticed the presence of blood last night and decided to keep an eye on it rather than call immediately. If we had, she wouldn't have received another dose today.
On a positive note, Lu's behaving more like herself. She has a much easier time getting herself to an upright position and can move her body to some degree while lying, which has proven to make her more comfortable, and in turn has given Bill and I more rest. Her appetite has improved and she even cleaned up after her meal for the first time, searching for and eating up all the little bits of rice that flung out of her bowl. Last night, I sat with her on the bed in the guest room so she could look out the window, a favorite past-time of Lu's. She was alert and vocal, like her old self. It was really nice to see.
Therapy is going well too. She's attempting to move her hind legs, which is a great sign. Frenchies love summer and she really enjoys therapy outside on the grass in the sun. I wish she could enjoy it more; I wish we all could.
P.S. I included the picture of the flowers for Kait and Luke.
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