Lulu's Story:

Lulu's Story: after all, she came first

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 200

Is it a coincidence that on the one day I have fifteen minutes to pause, reflect and post about Lu, it happens to be day 200? Since I lost track of how many days have passed a long time ago, and doing the math seems daunting, I had help from the calculator on the ever-useful website,, to determine just how long it's been since Lu's surgery. And, as life sometimes goes, things aren't as well as we hoped or expected.

Lulu continues to struggle with strength, flexibility and balance. She falls often, especially when excited. And, when this happens, her bony backside makes a sickening thump as it meets the ground. I often wonder, just how bruised her sit bones must be? To make matter worse, she continues to pull muscles in her legs. Just this passed Sunday, she pulled a muscle in her right leg, which is typically her good one since her left leg has impaired function after the procedure. It's a sad site, to see little Lu hobbling around on her bad left leg while carrying the one that's normally strong.

Just before Christmas, Bill took Lu back to see Dr. Wood at Veterinary Specialty Center, to address these issues. Dr. Wood cautioned that we were not doing enough to keep her limber or to strengthen her legs. Since then, Bill and I have been seeking options for the therapy we once thought we could accomplish at home. We are now evaluating two facilities: Veterinary Specialty Center, where Lu had her surgery, and TOPS Canine Complex, just down the road from us. We haven't made a final decision, but we do agree, Lu will be worth every penny.